Mechanical Motors

- A complete team of technicians trained by the manufacturers is at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Listening, advice, diagnosis
- Annual maintenance (replacements oil filters, prefilters and fuel filters, impellers, etc …)
- Test bench engine up to 5 000 H.P
- Official agent of the MAN, FPT/IVECO, YANMAR, KOHLER, CASTOLDIJET for PACA area (Cannes, Antibes, Golfe Juan, Nice, Monaco …)

MAN MASTER Official Agent
CASTOLDI Official Agent
FPT/IVECO Official Agent
KOHLER Official Agent
EMS offers engine repairs such as:
- Control of injection with computer or mechanically (injection pumps, high pressure pumps, injectors, …)
- Engine refitting (complete reconditioning in the bilge or workshop, followed by a test bench run (Test Bench – only at E.MS) to validate parameters and nominal power. is, of course, done before delivery)
- Descaling and testing of water, oil and air exchangers
- Complete reconditioning of your turbos
- Complete rebuilding of your cylinder heads (replacement of valve seats, valve guide, valves, …) + the monitoring test
- Repairing of alternators and starters
- Instrumented sea trial for classification, …
During annual interviews, a team of EMS technicians carries out the work such as:
- Replacement of oil filters, fuel prefilters and fuel filters and air filters
- Replacement of belts
- Replacement of impellers (turbines)
- Descaling exchangers in the workshop, testing and painting before being reassembled on the engines
- Complete repackaging of seawater pumps (disassembly, sandblasting, replacement of internal seals and painting)
- etc, …
The final validation by sea trials is always checked by Christophe LETHIEC, the C.E.O of Engine Marine Services.
For the installation of a new engine, a team of EMS come on board the boats for an accurate and complete study.
- Dimension drawing (see for the choice of the power)
- Diameter of the tree lines
- Gearbox ratio control
- Verification of the machine room for a precise costing concerning the repowering…
Endoscopy and videoscopy
EMS has the latest generation of diagnostic tools allow for precise control of:
- Cylinders
- Pistons
- Cylinder heads + valve seats
- Search for coolant leak into heat exchanger and refrigerant circuit …

The skills and know-how of Engine Marine Services allows it to carry out high quality engine expertise:
- Instrumented sea trial with report,
- Endoscopy and videoscopy with editing of report and photos,
- Oil and fuel analysis,
- Control of exhaust pressures …

EMS intervenes on all types of propulsion:
- Propulsion
- Shaft line driving
- All types of surface bases